Shooting Games

This entertaining program will challenge your shooting skills in three different ways!

  • Your swiftness and accuracy with a Winchester riflewhen shooting volant plates. A real test for your reflexes. Will you be swift enough to hit a plate first?
  • Your patience and concentration when shooting a real bow. Can you manage to hit more targets than your colleagues and friends will?
  • Tactics and stress resistance during Arrow Tag. A unique combination of concentration and intensity, same as when playing paintball! Except here you don’t get stains.

It’s a competition with real bows in play and arrows covered with special soft arrowheads which makes the game completely safe.

You’ll enter the battlefield equipped with a bow and a special mask. Your goal is to shoot down an enemy, plus, hit the targets placed across the field.

This is your chance to feel like Robin Hood or a “Hunger Games” character!

To order this program, contact us:

E-mail: | Tel. +31 20 2614 777

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