Wedding at the Arena stadium, Amsterdam

A unique chance for football fans!

A wedding ceremony at Holland’s legendary stadium, Amsterdam Arena!

This is where David Trezeguetfired the golden goal of Euro-2000 in overtime, and BranislavIvanovic brought “Chelsey” the victory over “Benefica” in overtime in the European League-2013 finals.

This is the place where Luciano Pavarotti, Michael Jackson, “The Rolling Stones”, Madonna, U2, and “Bon Jovi” sang. This is where king Willem-Alexander’s wedding with his Argentinian loved one, Maxima, took place.

This is where the trendy dance festival Sensation and presentations of new cars are held, the roof opens up and closes down in 20 minutes; 365 thousand people visit this marvelous place weekly.

If you choose to have your special day at this extraordinary place, it will bring you the colorful emotions that will stay with you for many years!

If you choose to, you can have an excursion around the stadium, and of course you can stay in the luxury suite under the dome of the Arena stadium tribunes!

Imagine this: the bride walks towards the groom through the tunnel that the most famed football stars have walked… Your favorite song is playing throughout the stadium… Your friends and relatives all around… A wedding in the middle of a football field – for the most dedicated football fans!

To get more info or submit your application, contact us:

E-mail: | Tel. +31 20 2614 777

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